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White Pencil Studio is a design firm unlike most.

The difference is both attitude and approach.

WE ARE CONSCIOUSLY THOUGHTFUL. We listen to what a client wants, and consider that. What they want, however, is not always what they need. We consider the problem they’re trying to solve and immerse ourselves in it, but the idea itself and its execution are only part of a successful solution. The process to arrive at that idea is equally as important. Accurately assessing needs and exploring different paths toward a concept can change your direction in very positive ways.

WE COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES. We push past the expected solutions and look at the problem from all angles, dissect it, forget all we know, then approach it fresh—in order to provide conceptual options that are distinctly different from one another.

WE BEND. In other words, we are receptive. We allow ourselves to make mistakes. Yet we know which mistakes to keep—and further develop into those solutions that set themselves apart.

WE'RE STORYTELLERS. We guide each client in developing a vocabulary that is unique unto them. It’s a set of letters they can use to create words, words that can be arranged to form sentences, sentences that build upon one another in order to tell their story in a very individual way. That story becomes the heart and soul of all of the ideas to follow, leading to consistency and integrity in messaging.

At White Pencil Studio, we believe everything about design is a matter of attitude, confidence and experience. We are creative thinkers, but more importantly, we are thought partners. Substantial ideas. Unique execution. Solutions that solve the problem appropriately for the audience, rather than providing what’s expected, are what being ‘creative’ means—and it’s that challenge that gets us excited.

About us

As principal and owner of White Pencil Studio, Kathy Carbonetti 
has worked with a wide range of clients and companies, giving
her valuable insight into many different industries as well as
varied project types. She is an “out of the box” thinker, marketer
and designer bringing creativity and individuality to each an 
every project. Among her many strengths is the ability to
recognize client needs and produce innovative, on-target work.


Kathy has a keen awareness of detail and deadline, ensuring that your expectations are not only met but go beyond what you thought possible. Additionally, she prides herself on personal involvement at every stage of a project, providing one-on-one service without the overhead of a large agency or design firm. This results in client objectives being met accurately—in a timely, cost effective manner.


Kathy graduated from Temple University's Tyler School of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Residing in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, she is an avid cyclist and swimmer who also enjoys creating fine art and jewelry.

Meet Kathy

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