When you need ideas. When you have your own ideas but need input. When you need help deciding which direction to take or assurance that your ideas are worth pursuing—we'll help to get the process moving.
One idea can take shape in many different ways. Two or three ideas may be worth exploration, expansion, execution. Distinct options enable you to see ideas from a different perspective.
Once you've determined your approach, you need to give your idea a voice. To whom is your idea talking? What language does it speak? What tone does it project? We find the words that fit.
Now you're talking...but how do you look? Your ideas need a style and they need to take physical shape. From corporate identity, brochures and publications, to advertising, packaging and website design—whether you dress it up or down, we'll create a look that accurately and consistently represents your brand.
Words and layout are only part of the picture. Adding imagery can take your ideas to a new level. From creative direction of photography or commissioning of original artwork to sourcing of stock imagery, we'll provide the visuals that fit both your style and budget.
Although we live in a digital age, some projects demand a tangible end product. With an extensive network of printing vendors, White Pencil Studio can manage the print process for you from sourcing of price quotes and paper samples to onsite press checks. Feel it all come to life.
“Kathy listens and observes, and comprehensively assimilates
to create images and words in a way that communicate
not just a message, but feelings and a complete concept
about brands, culture and core values.”
—Maureen McEnerney, Principal, Summit Associates